Thursday, December 2, 2010
PIXIE [May 15, 1999 - August 1, 2008]
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Pedro REGO (REGO NAYAK family from Derebail, Mangalore)
Pedro was born about 1740 in Haloni, Goa.
His child Mattheus (M) was born about 1765.
Second Generation
Mattheus REGO
Mattheus married Esperanza RASQUINHA. Esperanza was born in 1775.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Lucas (M) was born about 1792.
ii. Salvador (M) was born in 1793.
iii. Pedro (M) was born about 1795 and died on Jul 12, 1856 about age 61.
iv. Bonaventure Manuel (M) was born about 1800 and died on May 8, 1860 about age 60.
v. Sebastian (M) was born about 1802.
vi. Jose (M) was born about 1804 and died on Mar 2, 1858 about age 54.
vii. Anna (F) was born about 1806 and died on Jan 8, 1888 about age 82. Anna married Jose CORDEIRO, son of Sebastian CORDEIRO and Pascoala SILVA.
viii. Lucia (F) was born about 1808. Lucia married Antony Joseph D'MELLO.
ix. Isabel (F) was born on Jul 4, 1813 and died on May 29, 1854 at age 40.
x. Romano (F) was born about 1815 and died on May 29, 1854, age 39. Romano married Salvador PINTO, son of Joseph PINTO and Magdalen D'CUNHA
Third Generation
Lucas REGO
Lucas married Francisca PINTO.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Lawrence (M) was born on Apr 30, 1817 and died on Sep 4, 1866 age 49.
ii. Francis Xavier (M) was born on Nov 28, 1821.
iii. Maria Conceicao (F) was born on Dec 5, 1824. Maria married Pedro PAIS, son of Francis PAIS and Simone BAPTIST.
iv. Regina (F) was born on Jul 24, 1827 and died on Sep 12, 1889 age 62. Regina married Antony PINTO.
v. Peter Joachim (M) was born on Feb 1, 1831
Fourth Generation
Peter Joachim REGO was one of the founders of the Urva Church in 1866.
Peter married Sabina D'SOUZA, daughter of Peter Cajetan D'SOUZA MUDARTH and Monica COELHO.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Sr Mary Agnes (F) born on Jan 18, 1860 and died in 1943 at age 83. Another name for Mary was Sr. Agnes Regina REGO.
ii. Sr Stephana Isabella Maria (F) was born on Aug 5, 1862.
iii. Pepin Francis Lucas (M) was born on Feb 21, 1865.
iv. Lawrence Philip (M) was born on Jul 10, 1868 and died in 1868.
v. Lawrence (M) was born on Jan 19, 1870.
vi. Victor Angelo (M) was born on Mar 10, 1871.
vii. Eustace Lawrence (M) was born on Sep 20, 1873.
viii. Joseph Pius (M) was born on May 14, 1877.
ix. Clement Marian Dominic (M) was born on Feb 8, 1881.
x. Bruno Canute (M) was born on Oct 16, 1882
Fifth Generation
Victor Angelo REGO was GURKAR of Derebail.
Victor married Martha Maria CORREA, daughter of Francis CORREA and Joanna ALVARES.
Children from this marriage were:
i. Joachim (M) was born in 1896 and died on Dec 24, 1915 age 19.
ii. Peter Paul (M) was born on Jun 13, 1900.
iii. Antonia Cecilia (F) was born on May 10, 1902.
iv. Leo Felix Bernard (M) was born on Jun 28, 1903 and died in 1921 age 18.
v. Stephanie Isabella Maria (F) was born on Sep 21, 1905.
vi. Alexander Theodore (M) was born on Nov 9, 1907.
vii. Robert Marcel Philip (M) was born on Jan 31, 1910 and died on May 19, 1978 age 68.
viii. Dionysius Camillo Damian (M) was born on Sep 27, 1911.
ix. Benedicta Domitilla (F) was born on May 7, 1913.
x. Lucia Carolina (F)
xi. Boniface Joachim (M) was born on May 14, 1918.
Sixth Generation
Robert Marcel Philip REGO moved to Bombay about 1930.
Robert married Celine Mary (Maria Magdalena Syria) CORREA [b:Aug 8, 1923; d:Apr 07, 1996] daughter of Salvador CORREA and Monti GOVEAS on Dec 29, 1957 & lived in Bandra.
The child from this marriage Denzil Victor Salvadore (M) was born on Oct 16, 1958
Seventh Generation
Denzil Victor Salvadore REGO
(Robert Marcel Philip/Victor Angelo/Peter Joachim/Lucas/Mattheus/Pedro)
Denzil married Charmaine Magdalene ATHAIDE [b:Oct 10, 1956] daughter of Dominic ATHAIDE and Martine PEREIRA on Dec 29, 1984
Children from this marriage are:
i. Cynzya Chloe Marcel (F) was born on Jun 14, 1987
ii. Krysyn Denzyl Shane (M) was born on Mar 22, 1990
iii. Shayne Robert Dominic (M) was born on Jul 16, 1991
Saturday, October 23, 2010
build ... with a child's heart
Hot sun. Salty air. Rhythmic waves.
A little girl is on her knees scooping and packing the sand with plastic shovels into a bright blue bucket. Then she upends the bucket on the surface and lifts it. And, to the delight of the little architect, a castle tower is created.
All afternoon she will work. Spooning out the moat. Packing the walls. Bottle tops will be sentries. Popsicle sticks will be bridges. A sandcastle will be built.
Big city. Busy streets. Rumbling traffic.
A man is in his office. At his desk he shuffles papers into stacks and delegates assignments. He cradles the phone on his shoulder and punches the keyboard with his fingers. Numbers are juggled and contracts are signed and much to the delight of the man, a profit is made.
All his life he will work. Formulating the plans. Forecasting the future. Annuities will be sentries. Capital gains will be bridges. An empire will be built.
Two builders of two castles. They have much in common. They shape granules into grandeurs. They see nothing and make something. They are diligent and determined. And for both the tide will rise and the end will come.
Yet that is where the similarities cease. For the girl sees the end while the man ignores it.
Watch the child as the dusk approaches.
As the waves near, the wise child jumps to her feet and begins to clap. There is no sorrow. No fear. No regret. She knew this would happen. She is not surprised. And when the great breaker crashes into his castle and her masterpiece is sucked into the sea, she smiles. Utterly delighted, she picks up her tools, takes her father's hand, and goes home.
The grownup, however, is not so wise.
As the wave of years collapses on his castle he is terrified. He hovers over the sandy monument to protect it. He blocks the waves from the walls he has made. Salt-water soaked and shivering he snarls at the incoming tide. "It's my castle," he defies. The ocean need not respond ... both know to whom the sand belongs.
I don't know much about sandcastles. ... but children do. Watch them and learn. Go ahead and build ... but build with a child's heart.
When the sun sets and the tides take ... applaud. Salute the process of life and go home.
Monday, August 30, 2010

When it rains, it pours ... Quite literally so it was at the CLEAN SPORTS INDIA "Awareness Rally" in Mumbai this morning in terms of sports glamour, participation as well as the heavens above.
As thespian Tom Alter introduced one participating star after another from our nation's sporting firmament, it was clear to the 350 odd participants who braved the inclement weather that CLEAN SPORTS INDIA's Mumbai Chapter meant serious business.
The grandstand included Chess GrandMaster Pravin Thipsay, Equestrian Champ BVP Rao, Athletes Vandana Rao, Reet Abraham and Savio D'souza, Marathoner Sathyabama, Swimmer Pallavi Shetty, Table Tennis virtuosos husband and wife duo Kamlesh Mehta and Mona Lisa, Badminton exponent Leroy D'Sa, revered Indian Hockey Captain MM Somaiya and his compatriot from the world of women's hockey Sybil Miranda and bollywood star Rajat Barmecha.
In his inaugural address, CLEAN SPORTS INDIA National Convener, BVP Rao came out strongly against the face of Indian Sport turned tyrant, Suresh Kalmadi and his coterie, whose negative doings in Indian Sport called for a total re-haul of the system, wherein Sportspersons of caliber needed to take charge, they being closer to the pulse of our budding young sportspeople. After very encouraging launches of the CLEAN SPORTS movement in Delhi and Bangalore, the response in Mumbai, he said was over-whelming.
The Awareness Rally witnessed representation from across Mumbai, allowing for participation from all age groups. Vandana Rao and Pravin Thipsay led the 350+ strong group across 4 kms to and fro NCPA, all enthusiastic in their bid to drive home a point for Sports cleansed of political manipulation and rid of performance enhancing substance abuse. The Mumbai Chapter team, Vandana Rao, Tom Alter, Pravin Thipsay, Sybil Miranda, Lenny Sampey and myself are glad that the first step towards this goal had been successfully taken and we are sure that the positive vibes we have received throughout the mega polis of Mumbai will not let things lie, but take them to their logical end. Thanks to all whose efforts encouraged us and especially to the YMCA International for all their unstinting support.
Friday, June 25, 2010
in the silence will come the echo ...

Or ... "You guys get outside and find yourself something to do and don't slam the door." ... and they won't
You'll straighten up their bedrooms all neat and tidy with thrash discarded, bed-spread tucked and smoothed, toys all displayed on the shelves, books in place, hangers in the closets, animals caged, and you'll say out loud, "Now I want you to stay this way!" ... they will
Then you'll prepare a perfect dinner with a proper wholesome side dish, salad that hasn't been picked to death, a cake with no finger traces through the frosting, and you'll say, "Now there's a meal for company." ... you'll eat it alone
And you'll say, ... "I want complete privacy on the phone! No dancing around, no pantomimes, no demolition crews! Silence! Do you hear me?" ... you'll have it
No more plastic tablecloths stained with curry, no more anxious nights tending to viral fevers, no more dandelion bouquets, no more iron-on patches, no more wet-knotted shoe strings, no more tight boots, or rubber bands on pony tails.
Now, imagine your lipstick with a point. No baby sitter on nights out. Washing clothes only once a week. No PTA meetings, no car pools, no blaring music and parties, having your own space, no more Christmas presents made out of bits of scrap and paste, no more wet kisses, no tooth fairy, no giggles in the dark, no knees to bandage.
Only a memory of a voice crying ... "Why don't you grow up?"